Maria’s Massage Offerings


Abdominal massage & Pelvic mobility

Aligning body, mind & uterus

INITIAL SESSION (1.5 hours) $115 •FOLLOW UP SESSIONS (1 hour) $85 *Sales tax included in price

“One session with Maria opened up and released a lot of stuff that I’ve been stuffing and ignoring for years. I got exactly what I was hoping for. The experience continues to be a lasting release for me physically, mentally, etc. I felt comfortable with Maria. She is relaxed and open and accepting. She is clearly passionate and skilled about helping others. I felt her powerful healing energy immediately. I’m devoting the biggest part of my self-care budget to more sessions with Maria.” -Kirstin


My style is eclectic. I keep what works and let go of what does not. My intention is to listen to the tissues and address root causes of discomfort. Below are three of the main modalities I work from - though I have been doing massage for a long time and have pulled techniques from every book read, course taken and massage both given or received. My original massage training was Swedish massage with an Esalen base through MSMB - Mpls School of Massage & Bodywork.


I want each client to feel heard and empowered. Most clients leave with 'homework' of an alignment cue, restorative exercise or mindfulness practice that benefit their individual needs. I often share my videos so you can easily practice helpful movements at home.

It is important that the client understands they are ultimately in charge. If something does not feel right, we do not have to do it. Every session I like to ask the client what they hope to gain from the session.

We will keep communication open.

The initial session is approximately one and a half hours long. There is a detailed intake form that I can email to you to print and fill out before the session, or you can come a little early to fill it out here – takes about 10 minutes to fill out. We will go over your intake form together and talk about your experiences and expectations. Here is my client bill of rights where you can read about my trainings and what your rights are as a client.

That is followed by the treatment portion, where you will be on the massage table either fully clothed or under a sheet, dressed down to your comfort level. Non-scented creams and oils are used directly on the skin. After the treatment we will talk about what I noticed as suggestions for alignment or self-care. If people are interested in self-abdominal massage and/or self-scar massage, I am happy to teach them how to do so.

Follow-up sessions are one hour long. We briefly check in and chat, then spend the rest of the time on the massage table and discussing further self-care. Each session can look different, it really depends on the client’s goals. I always ask, “What would you ideally get out of your session today?” and we go from there.

Dynamic Body Balancing

A gentle mix of craniosacral and myofascial unwinding that focus on the pregnant body for ideal uterine placement. This allows the baby more space so they are more likely to get into an ideal position for pregnancy comfort and birth. This style is also wonderful for working with infants!

Created and taught by Dr Carol Phillips, her techniques are the foundation of Spinning Babies by Gail Tully.

Advanced and Holistic Treatment of The Postpartum Body

A blend of visceral manipulation, manual osteopathy techniques, craniosacral and alignment cues.

This modality focuses on pelvic mobility, ideal organ placement and pelvic floor health. Comfortably done with clothes on, these gentle techniques help clients gain greater comfort. Great during pregnancy and postpartum.

I trained with Lynn Schulte at the Institute For Birth Healing who also hostesses the annual online Birth Summit.

Alignment and Restorative Exercises are woven into regular in-person sessions.

I teach people how to fill in their ‘weak spots’ with so they have a stronger and more functional body by sharing appropriate restorative exercises with as their ‘homework’. Pregnancy is an ideal time work play with alignment because the body is adapting rapidly and constantly to pregnancy - so, it may as well be adapting with ideal input.

Through bodywork and alignment we can help the uterus be in a lovely centered and lifted position which then becomes an ideal container for the baby to move how it wants and needs. This also reduced usual pregnancy complaints of round ligament pain and other discomforts.

You’ll learn: Alignment and simple movements that help increase body-awareness, strengthen weak spots and restore length to shortened muscles.

You may find: improved circulation, increased balance, decreased pressure on joints and/or less fear when moving in your daily life.

My goal is to help people to move with confidence and pleasure. Our bodies are more malleable than we are lead to believe. If you want to get inspired about how malleable our bodies are I recommend reading the book Dynamic Aging by Katy Bowman and four other amazing women.

You are how you move. Prepare to be moved!

“The body adapts to what you do most frequently, not what you do with the best of intentions.”
- Katy Bowman, biomechanist and founder of Nutritious Movement

Holistic Abdominal Relief Therapy - H.A.R.T.

Holistic abdominal relief therapy (H.A.R.T.) supports pelvic health for women & men, including digestive, urinary and reproductive health. The H.A.R.T. method helps alleviate low back, hip and pelvic pain.

I think parts of my body felt happy to be addressed and freed since seeing you. More wholeness. The idea of doing more work with you brings joy. Like a freed child.
— Sarah

Many of the H.A.R.T. method techniques were traditionally used by midwives.

These techniques are great for every body!

Women benefit from this method in a variety of ways. I’m most passionate about menstrual health (periods shouldn’t hurt). Through the massage and self-care you’ll learn, periods will change. After a session, expect the next two cycles to be a little different; after two cycles, things will settle into your new flow.

In pregnancy, the H.A.R.T. method can help keep the uterus centered and lifted, which can relieve round ligament pain and other common complaints of pregnancy.

Men with an enlarged prostate or other pelvic issues benefit from the improved circulation and space which this technique provides.

After a hysterectomy, the body still holds an energetic imprint of the uterus and ovaries. These techniques help integrate this immense change, mobilize scar tissue and improve circulation.


I trained with Kimberly Hart at Adagio in Minneapolis. Kimberly Hart has studied for almost three decades with elders of the Maya, Aztec, Nahuatl and Otomi. A few years ago, she was given the mandate by one of her teachers, Rita Navarrete Perez, to expand and teach what she has learned so that the medicine is shared, and the healing can expand and spread in the world and benefit more communities.

Kim wrote: "In Central America, healers of all types use abdominal treatments to help people with fertility issues for men and women, as well as other reproductive challenges such as prostate[issues], endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, cervical health, uterine position, urinary/bladder concerns, digestion and even back and pelvic pain."

Feel free to contact me if you are wondering if my style of massage is right for you.

Maria’s H.A.R.T method has been incredibly beneficial for ensuring my well-being. She created a true sense of support and opened up self-reflection. During the massage portion, I was comfortable and comforted by her calm atmosphere and soothing technique. Afterwards, my mind and body both felt relief that continued past our session. I would recommend her services to anyone seeking quality, genuine, effective services in prioritizing their well-being.
— Jamie Lynn

Scar Tissue Release

Added to a regular session with no up-charge

Only Scar tissue release : Half-Hour: $40

Scar tissue release can easily be blended into a session for no up-charge.

The scar we see is the 'tip of the ice berg'. Most the scar tissue is out of sight under the skin, attaching to structures around it. I use a gentle approach to mobilizing the scar tissue, and I teach interested clients how to do some of the techniques on their own.

Abdominal scars are a likely culprit of reoccurring or persistent back pain. Cesarean birth scars can cause painful sex, back pain, and bladder issues. Knee scars can cause knee pain or pain somewhere else in the body. All scar tissue can benefit from being released.

One of the scar tissue techniques I utilize is MSTR - McLaughlin Scar Tissue Release. It is a gentle and effective technique to increase blood and lymph flow in and around the scar tissue.

Inhibition Technique is a method I was taught by a manual osteopath that follows the path of ease. It is the technique I like to show clients to do on their own scars at home because it is easy and effective.

Some scars may take 3 to 8 treatments to fully release. Once released they ought to stay that way.


Alignment & Restorative Exercise

You are how you move

Alignment and Restorative Exercises are woven into regular in-person sessions.

I teach people how to fill in their weak spots with corrective exercises so they have stronger and more functional bodies.

I share appropriate restorative exercises with massage clients as their ‘homework’.

I am available to lead classes for interested groups and businesses. Specific topics can be arranged beforehand—such as Shoulder Care for Moms, Movement in the Office, Reducing Repetitive Strain and Pelvic Floor Health.

You’ll learn: Alignment and simple movements that help increase body-awareness, strengthen weak spots and restore length to shortened muscles.

You may find: improved circulation, increased balance, decreased pressure on joints and/or less fear when moving in your daily life.

My goal is to help empower people to move with confidence and pleasure. Our bodies are more malleable than we are lead to believe. If you want to get inspired about how malleable our bodies are I recommend reading the book Dynamic Aging by Katy Bowman and four other amazing women.

Prepare to be moved!

“The body adapts to what you do most frequently, not what you do with the best of intentions.”
- Katy Bowman, biomechanist and founder of Nutritious Movement

My Story: When experiencing pelvic floor issues during my third pregnancy I began to look for solutions – I was not going to accept peeing oneself is part of being a mom! After trying many different modalities without relief of pain or pee, I found Katy Bowman's work and started practicing restorative exercises while immersing myself in her philosophy of nutritious movement.

Turns out, the way I was standing, walking and sitting was causing too much internal pressure – which caused leakage when I added more pressure by laughing, sneezing or any sudden movement. It didn't take long for my symptoms to subside once I changed how I moved.

With changing how I moved the neuromas on my feet, that plagued me since high school, began to disappear and my chronic knee pain subsided. I was so impressed that I became a Nutritious Movement certified Restorative Exercises Specialist so I could help restore movement to other people’s lives.

Liberate Your Uterus

Liberate Your Uterus