Periods Shouldn't Hurt


Self-care abdominal massage techniques, movements and alignment to reduce period pain and enhance your quality of life. 120 mins

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Self-care abdominal massage techniques, movements and alignment to reduce period pain and enhance your quality of life. 120 mins

Self-care abdominal massage techniques, movements and alignment to reduce period pain and enhance your quality of life. 120 mins

Periods Shouldn’t Hurt

Painful periods may be common - but, they are not normal. Periods shouldn't hurt! Losing a couple days a month to period pain is exhausting. 

For years I have been helping people reduce their pain and reclaim those days. How liberating! In this two hour course I share ways to improve your period and help reduce your pain by increasing circulation to your uterus and entire pelvis. The body wants to regenerate and return to health. We aid this process by increasing circulation to decrease congestion. The massage and movements can also help move a uterus into her ideal centered and lifted location.

Pain is an indicator, not an inevitable.

Period pain shows us something is not ideal. And this something is happening all month long - not just those days of pain/discomfort. Monthly use of painkillers is hard on our bodies - especially the liver. When the liver is over loaded we tend to have more menstrual issues: bloating, sore breasts, PMS, and rage to name a few.

This course focuses on improving the mechanical side of periods through adjusting how you sit, easy alignment cues, restorative exercises and instruction on self abdominal massage. We talk lightly about hormones and loving our liver. I do not spend a lot of time diving into hormones. Once the uterus can move more freely and pelvic congestion has lessened, the hormones can flow freer.

Once you purchase this course you will receive an email with login and password details. You will have access to this course for one year. You are welcome to email with technique questions. I do not individually diagnose.

If you are wanting information and support geared towards your individual needs, you can set up a private session with me by going to the connect page.

Wishing you pleasant periods!!

Please share this course with others who deserve to have pleasant periods, too.